Child and Family Therapy

Play Therapy

Research has repeatedly shown that the most effective therapy for children, regardless of the presenting problem, has two key qualities:

  1. The child’s parents or caregivers are actively involved in the therapeutic process and learn new ways of interacting with their child to address the presenting problem. The child’s relationships with primary caregivers are vital to healthy development, and are often significantly impacted over time as problems develop. Therefore, the empirically-based therapeutic approaches utilized at the ICFE are those that actively include parents in the process not only as experts on their children’s histories, needs, and strengths, but also as vital agents of change for their children. The therapist will work to establish a relationship with the entire family in order to understand the context in which the child lives, and work with parents to modify the child’s environment in ways to facilitate the desired changes for the child. ICFE therapists strive to form a collaborative relationship with parents to understand and achieve their goals.
  2. Therapy utilizes developmentally appropriate means for understanding and communicating with a child. Children are developmentally limited in their abilities to verbalize their needs, experiences, fears, and goals. Developmental research has long demonstrated the critical role of play in child development- children use play to both make sense of their world and to express their experiences and needs to adults. Play therapy involves using these natural functions of children’s play to achieve the therapeutic goals. ICFE therapists are, therefore, trained and experienced in utilizing play within child therapy. As a part of therapy, the therapist will often educate parents to better understand their children through play. Parents also frequently express a desire to better understand their child’s level of development and how normal developmental processes may be impacting the child’s presenting problem.

ICFE child and adolescent therapists are trained and experienced in multiple modalities of therapy, all of which consider family relationships and developmental level when determining the most effective intervention strategies. Your therapist will work with you and your family to develop a treatment plan that meets your needs and concerns.

CLICK THE LINK TO DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT BELOW: “Important Information about Therapy for Child and Adolescent at ICFE”

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